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Somatic Breathwork

The Power of Breath

Unlock your innate potential by releasing trapped energies and emotions in the body. Dive deep into your inner world, harnessing the rhythm of your breath to cleanse and rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit.

Use the Power of the Breath to find Who You Are.

When these suppressed energies are swept up, they are released through bodily expression. Screaming, crying, laughter, joy, shaking, dancing are all common forms of releasing the energy that is ready to come out.

Somatic Breathwork addresses physical, emotional, and mental stresses and dis-ease by facilitating the release of stuck energy in the body. The Breath is used as a broom to sweep out the suppressed stresses and energies, that can eventually manifest themselves as trauma. Once these energies are released, You become CLEAR and are more open to freedom and happiness in your life.

The first half of the session is releasing, putting our body into a sympathetic nervous system response, and is designed to be uncomfortable. This half facilitates the energetic release through bodily expression.

The second half of the session is repatterning, putting our bodies into a parasympathetic nervous system response. This half is usually very peaceful, breathing in what we want more of in our lives and focusing on The Heart.

Marc Bresnahan

Marc started working with the Breath years ago to aid in deepening his meditation practice. He fell in love with the unlimited potential conscious breathing had on his whole being, and he dove deep to learn the different methods and healing potential of the Breath. He found Somatic Breathwork, which he used to help release and process traumas in his own body.

After witnessing mental, emotional, and physical healing in himself, Marc realized a purpose in his life is to spread this medicine to all who are ready to receive.

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