
Reserve Your Retreat

Don't miss out on securing your exclusive spot at our sanctuary, El Nido, nestled in Peru's captivating landscape – complete the form below now!

Our Services

Discover Our Services

Take a moment to reconnect with yourself and your wellness, spiritual, physical, and emotional needs. We offer a variety of experiences and services, whether virtual or in person at our tranquil retreat center in Peru.

Discover a deeper version of yourself

Our Transformative Practices

Transformative Practice

Somatic Breathwork

Unlock your innate potential by releasing trapped energies and emotions in the body. Dive deep into your inner world, harnessing the rhythm of your breath to cleanse and rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit.

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Transformative Practice

Wim Hof Sauna
Cold Plunge

Immerse yourself in the heat of the sauna, where guided breathwork exercises help restructure our nervous system, enhance detoxification, and calm your mind. Then, invigorate your senses with a plunge into the cold water with guided breathwork, boosting circulation, dopamine production, and enhancing recovery.

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Transformative Practice

Sauna and
Cold Plunge

Immerse yourself in the warmth of the sauna, where guided breathwork exercises help deepen relaxation, enhance detoxification, and calm your mind. Then, invigorate your senses with a plunge into the cold water, boosting circulation and enhancing recovery.

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Transformative Practice

Sound Healing

Experience the transformative power of sound healing at the Maha Temple at La Pacha, a serene sanctuary nestled in the Sacred Valley. This unique therapy harnesses the vibrational energy of sound to reduce stress, uncover buried emotions and balance our emotional body, and boost deep brainwave states where manifestation of our dreams can occur.

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Our Spiritual Rituals

Sacred Ceremony

Cacao Ceremony & Card Reading

Let's drink the Heart opening medicine of Cacao to facilitate deeper connection with others, feelings of love, healing of the Heart, and compassionate self exploration. Paired with Oracle Card reading to facilitate an openness to dive deeper into personal intentions and questions pertaining to your life.

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Plant Medicine

Rapé (Hapé)

Rapé medicine is a blend of tobacco and other healing plants from the Amazon. Rapé is administered with a tepi (pipe for when someone serves you Rapé medicine) or kuripe (self-administrator pipe), a small pipe made of wood or bone. The protective, cleansing and healing power of the Rapé mixture permeates our body in an intelligent way and awakens our consciousness.

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Free 15 min Discussion

Transformative Practice

Sauna and
Cold Plunge

Immerse yourself in the warmth of the sauna, where guided breathwork exercises help deepen relaxation, enhance detoxification, and calm your mind. Then, invigorate your senses with a plunge into the cold water, boosting circulation and enhancing recovery.

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ceremony of san pedro in the sacred valley of the incas in peru

Plant Medicine

Wachuma (SanPedro)

Wachuma, or San Pedro as known in the west, is a cactus native to the Andes Mountains. Wachuma has been a guide learned from in Spiritual Ceremonies for thousands of years. The cactus is seen as a master teacher, offering the wisdom of the Earth and the Stars to those who seek it.

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Plant Medicine


The journey of ayahuasca offers a deep dive into the mind and soul, providing an introspective experience that opens the doors of consciousness and spiritual understanding.

At El Nido Hostel, you have the opportunity to embark on this transformative journey alongside Nacho's team, who compassionately and expertly guide every step of this inner voyage.

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Free 15 min Discussion

Transformative Practice

Sauna and
Cold Plunge

Immerse yourself in the warmth of the sauna, where guided breathwork exercises help deepen relaxation, enhance detoxification, and calm your mind. Then, invigorate your senses with a plunge into the cold water, boosting circulation and enhancing recovery.

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Plant Medicine

Psilocybin Therapy

At El Nido, Marc is a trained facilitator and has much experience in the therapeutic approach of working with Psilocybin in 1:1 containers. These containers combine elements of clinical safety, knowledge, and support, with the ancient wisdom of energy work and Somatic Release.

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Our Excursions

Exclusive Excursions

Day Hike

Explore magnificent and off-the-beaten-path trails, offering breathtaking views of the majestic Andes mountains and lush valleys. Follow in the footsteps of the ancients while enjoying the tranquility and serenity of the surrounding nature.

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Cultural Activity

Ancient Incan Civilization

Delve into the rich history of this iconic region as you visit ancient archaeological sites like Pisac, Ollantaytambo, and Moray, where the mysteries of the ancient Inca civilizations await exploration.

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Free 15 min Discussion

Transformative Practice

Sauna and
Cold Plunge

Immerse yourself in the warmth of the sauna, where guided breathwork exercises help deepen relaxation, enhance detoxification, and calm your mind. Then, invigorate your senses with a plunge into the cold water, boosting circulation and enhancing recovery.

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Shamanic ceremonies offer transformative experiences such as Ayahuasca, Sweat Lodge, San Pedro, Fire Ceremonies, and Breathwork. Each ceremony facilitates healing, spiritual insight, and connection with oneself and the universe, leading to profound personal growth and awakening

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Reserve Your Retreat at El Nido!

Secure Your Spot! Complete the form below to reserve a package at El Nido, or to contact us regarding any questions you have.