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Card Reading Ceremony

Wisdom of the Oracle

Obtain wisdom for your path, while experiencing the synergy of cacao and sharing open heartedly.

"Develop your intuition, self reflect and receive the guidance of the Oracle.”

The Ceremony.

Fire and Cacao

The first part will consist of gathering around the fire, either 1on1 or in a group, and setting our intentions for the ceremony and card reading while drinking our Heart opening cacao.

Card Reading

Once our intentions are set, you will now draw your divine card. This is done with an intuitive process tested countless of times, to always produce the card you are ready to receive.

Reflect and Share

The final part of the ceremony consists of a 1on1 intuitive reading of the card with the facilitator. After the reading, the space will be open to share your meaning of the card with the group around the fire, while continuing to drink our cacao.

Receiving an oracle card reading can help you see parts of your life from a new perspective.

Oracle cards have the ability to answer your questions and guide you in the right direction, whatever your question may be. Below are some examples of questions to ask:

- What do I need to know?
- Is this situation right for me?
- What do I need to know about my career?
- Tell me about my love life?
- Is my manifestation on its way?
- Do I need to take action on this idea?
- What do my Angels/Universe/whoever you believe in, want me to know?

Our Oracle card deck is energetically cleansed before use, and is instilled with powerful energy from countless readings.

Ceremonial Cacao Significance and Benefits

Historical Significance of Cacao

Cacao has a deep religious and historical significance in South America. Cacao was considered to be of divine origin according to the Aztecs. The cacao tree was revered as a conduit between heaven and earth, with the tree being a gift from the god Quetzalcoatl. Also, Theobromine, which is the active heart opening compound in cacao, is Latin for "Fruit of the Gods".

Ceremonial Cacao Spiritual Benefits

Ceremonial cacao contains the natural active chemical theobromine in large amounts, which creates the powerful heart opening effect when drinking ceremonial cacao. In turn, this promotes feelings of love, compassion, and unity, allowing us to release emotional blockages and cultivate a sense of inner peace.

Ceremonial Cacao Physical Benefits

Ceremonial cacao also has a plethora of physical benefits. here are some listed below:
- 40 times the antioxidants of blueberries (98,000 per 100g vs. 2,400 per 100g)
- Highest plant based source of iron (13.9mg per 100g)
- Full of magnesium for a healthy heart and brain
- More calcium than cow's milk (160mg per 100g vs. 125mg per 100g)
- Natural mood booster and antidepressant (contains serotonin, tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylethylamine)

Marc Bresnahan

Marc has been working with Oracle cards for years now, and uses the same deck for each reading. This deck is called "Angels and Ancestors", and is fueled with the energy of countless readings. Marc creates a sacred space for the drawing of the card, and his intuitive style of drawing that always draws the card that is needed.

Marc also has immense experience and respect with and for the spirit of cacao. Marc has worked as an cacao barista, learning how to work with the flavors of cacao, and growing very close with its spirit and essence. Marc loves cacao so much, and is excited to share this love with you!

Reserve Your Retreat at El Nido!

Secure Your Spot! Complete the form below to reserve a package at El Nido, or to contact us regarding any questions you have.