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Our Guest Reviews

Welcome to our space dedicated to transformation and healing

Guest Experiences

Hi, my name is Rose Hoang and I'm from Salida, Colorado in the United States. I arrived here at El Nido on April 1st and I stayed for about three and a half weeks.

Rosalind Hoang

What are you able to leave with, that you received during your stay at El Nido?

So what I've received over the last three and a half weeks is that Pachamama, the Mother Tierra, Mother Earth, is the number one medicine.

The energy and transmissions of this land in the Sacred Valley, where El Nido is located, right below Apu Pitsuray, is so healing. It is so healing to just to be in this space.

This space of Mother Earth (Where El Nido is located) will help heal any ailments. Physical, mental, emotional. It is astounding to be able to walk outside not too far from El Nido, and be surrounded by the valleys, the Apus, the mountains in this beautiful potent energy.

I have received many different messages and transmissions by just being in this presence, the energy of this land is simply healing. I've learned that Mother Earth, whatever you have, you can go to her, you can give her your hucha, your heavy energy, and she can then replace it with sami, that refined light energy. And she wants your heavy energy because she knows how to recycle it and turn it into life.

"So I would say I feel lighter since arriving"

Pacha mama is the greatest composter. She will take all of it and then give you back more than what you expected or ever thought you could receive.

So I would say I feel lighter since arriving. I feel more whole. And I feel what I've learned as well is the power of our intuition, and the power of listening to your heart. And that's what brought me here to El Nido. That's what brought me back to Peru. I've learned to listen to the whispers of the heart, trust my gut instinct, and following the signs, the synchronicities.

There's SO MUCH magic here. If you allow yourself to listen and to slow down, there's just so much that you can receive that sometimes can't even be put into words. So I'm just immensely, immensely grateful for all the teachings, all the blessings, and my heart is so full.

What would you recommend from your visit to El Nido?

So I highly recommend to anyone who's looking for a nest, a home base, to land in the Sacred Valley, to stay at El Nido.

You will be welcomed with open arms and open hearts. From day one I stepped into the space meeting Memo and Marc, they felt like family.

Truly, they felt like my brothers from day one.

As I navigated the last three weeks, I felt like I always had a home base to come back to.

Whether I was trekking Asungate or Machu Picchu, I knew I had a home away from home. And that was so important as a solo female traveler as well.

Marc and Guillermo will give you as much guidance and help as you need, and also give you as much space as you need. There's this comfort and safety and just really beautiful organic pure love that they both carry and share.

Working with Marc Bresnahan has been an absolute game-changer for me! As a Shaman and Somatic Breathwork Practitioner, Marc brings a unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern techniques to his practice. From the moment I stepped into his sacred space, I knew I was in for something special.

Eric Weaver

Marc's Breathwork Sessions for Healing and Transformation

Marc's intuitive guidance and deep understanding of the human body and spirit create a transformative experience unlike any other.

Through his breathwork sessions, I've tapped into parts of myself I never knew existed, releasing old patterns and traumas that were holding me back.

Each session feels like a journey into the depths of my soul, and I emerge feeling lighter, freer, and more aligned with my true purpose.

"Marc's presence and support throughout the process are truly remarkable"

But it's not just about the breathwork itself. He creates a safe and nurturing environment where I feel completely seen and heard, allowing me to explore my innermost thoughts and emotions without judgment.

His gentle guidance and unwavering support have helped me navigate some of the most challenging moments of my life with grace and courage.

I cannot recommend Marc Bresnahan highly enough to anyone seeking profound healing and transformation.

Whether you're struggling with past traumas, seeking clarity on your life's path, or simply looking to deepen your spiritual practice, Marc has the wisdom, compassion, and expertise to guide you every step of the way.

Working with him has been an absolute blessing, and I am forever grateful for the profound impact he has had on my life.

Whether in group sessions or 1:1 personal sessions, Marc's presence and sensitive guidance is so unique in my experience.

I am a yoga teacher with many years in the healing community, and Marc is one of a kind.

Anja Schmidt

The breathwork sessions with Marc are deep healing sessions, and I am very grateful that I found Marc to guide me through these sessions.

The type of Breathwork Marc facilitates liberates so many emotions, peeling away layer by layer, like an onion.

"Marc opens a safe space where I feel completely protected and accepted."

In his work, Marc opens a safe space where I feel completely protected and accepted with what I am and what I am bringing into the session.
With the deep healing process I am still going through, his presence and guidance is a blessing.

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