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Ceremony of rape in the sacred valley of the incas
Ceremony of rape in the sacred valley of the incas
Plant Medicine

Rapé (Hapé)

Cleanse and balance your mind, body, and spirit through a revered ceremony with the sacred plant medicine of Rapé.

Tobacco. The Master Plant

Rapé medicine is administered with a tepi (pipe for when someone serves you Rapé medicine) or kuripe (self-administrator pipe), a small pipe made of wood or bone.

Rapé is blown up the nostrils one at a time.

Rapé is made of Mapacho, a sacred species of Tobacco from the jungle (Nicotiana rustica), and ashes of other sacred plants from the jungle.

Tobacco is known as the "Master Plant", or "Father of all Plants", in many indigenous cultures, including those native to the jungles of Peru.

Tobacco can balance all energies and helps bring oneself back to their center. Tobacco protects and gives oneself inner security. Tobacco, with all its power, demands reverence and respect. When given, Tobacco is a powerful ally and amazing healing plant.

The use of tobacco as a sacred plant dates back to ancient times. In the Amazon rainforest, Rapé medicine has been used by indigenous groups such as the Yawana, Matse, and Huni Kuin for spiritual and medicinal purposes.

Rapé connects us to the spirit world and can be used for healing physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments.

Rapé decalcifies the third eye and scans the body for blockages and energetic misalignment. It can be extremely beneficial for opening the Heart and creating clarity—it softens the ego and allows you to listen to your higher self.

The effects of Rapé also include a sense of grounding, clarity, and heightened awareness. Many people feel a solid connection to the earth and their inner wisdom.

The Ceremony (1 Hour)

- Cleansing of the energy field and the space using Palo Santo and Palma Dulce.

- Setting detailed intentions. Rapé is masculine medicine, and will support detailed intentions created in the mind.

- Selection of sacred blend of Rapé, and administration accompanied with rituals of energetic release.

- After Rapé is blown, there will be a guided manifestation meditation, accompanied by shamanic drumming. This is done so that the medicine supports you in your personal process and aids the manifestation of our intentions.

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