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Huachuma ceremony in sacred valley Cusco péru, hostel El Nido
Wachuma Ceremony

Awaken Inner Love

Wachuma is Heart medicine, and allows ourselves to dive deeper into the Love that is present in all of us.

Like a Thousand Petaled Lotus Flower, the Heart Opens, Revealing the Beauty of All Creation.

Let yourself be guided with generations of tradition.

David, Rodrigo, Gonzalo, and Vanessa are a beautiful family from Cusco, Peru, who hold ancestral and profound knowledge of this sacred plant.

This loving family Leads  a profound, authentic ceremony with the help of their generational wisdom and ancestral connection to the Sacred Valley.

With their guidance, you'll explore the traditional rituals and practices associated with Wachuma, allowing you to reconnect with yourself, nature, and the universe in an unforgettable journey.

Wachuma (San Pedro) is a cactus native to the Andes, that has been worked with in Spiritual Ceremonies for thousands of years.

The cactus is a very serotonergic, Heart-opening, Heart consciousness medicine. Wachuma is timeless, universal, and accessible to those who bring the right intention and a good, open heart to it.

The ceremony is a way to connect with the spirit of the cactus and receive its teachings, and also our very own teachings of the Heart.

A Journey into Nature's Heart

Wachuma is deeply connected with nature, and has the ability to allow us to deeply feel how connected we are to nature, too. That we are nature.

This immersion into nature is very sacred with Wachuma, opening doors in the Heart that were not open before, and facilitating connections to the sun, earth, the elements, and life as a whole that can be life changing.

This experience with Wachuma will take place on sacred hikes in the mountains around the valley (Pumawanca), at ancient lakes 4,000 meters high (Kinsa Cocha), and end with a fire ceremony and, of course, food!

Wachuma is Medicine.

The ceremony consists of a light day hike into the mountains, being one with the beauty all around us.

It will also include prayer to the Masculine and Feminine energies in our lives, Mapacho healing, music and song, and will conclude with sitting around the fire as a family eating life giving fruit and snacks.

Wachuma ceremony is an all day event, with drinking of the medicine taking place around 9-10am, and conclusion with the fire ceremony around 6-7pm.

maestro hernan, native curandero for ceremony of wachuma in sacred valley of peru

Maestro Hernan

At 52 years old, Hernan, a Quechuan native of the Sacred Valley, has dedicated over 35 years to serving Wachuma. Hernan was one of the first curanderos, or healers, of the region serving to the public.

Hernan stands as a beacon of ancestral wisdom, having inherited the sacred traditions of the Q'qanas civilization, one of the ancient Peruvian cultures.

With a deep reverence for his heritage, Hernan embodies the essence of these ancient healers, blending their time-honored techniques with his own intuition and compassion.

Through his unwavering dedication, Hernan continues to serve as a bridge between the past and present, offering profound healing and guidance to those who seek it in the Sacred Valley and beyond.

Reserve Your Retreat at El Nido!

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