
Reserve Your Retreat

Don't miss out on securing your exclusive spot at our sanctuary, El Nido, nestled in Peru's captivating landscape – complete the form below now!

3 days package in sacred valley peru cusco
3 days package in sacred valley peru cusco
10 days Transformative Retreat

Sacred Valley Wachuma Pilgrimage

Join us for a spiritual and revitalizing pilgrimage through the mountains of the Sacred Valley accompanied by Maestro Wachuma.

from $2500/person
   8/23/2024 - 9/1/2024

Come experience the life changing medicines of the Q'ero people, and receive the ancient wisdom of the Apu Mountains.

10 days wachuma retreat in peru

Spiritual Renewal Journey

ceremony of san pedro in the sacred valley of the incas in peru

An unforgettable adventure filled with discovery and wonder.

Embark on a journey to explore the lush riches of the valley. Guided by native experts, you can rest assured that you'll venture far off the beaten path and uncover all the hidden treasures of the valley.

Our experienced guides, deeply connected to the land and its history, will lead you through breathtaking landscapes and share their knowledge of the region's flora, fauna, and cultural heritage. From hidden waterfalls to ancient ruins, every step of the way promises an unforgettable adventure filled with discovery and wonder.

Join us for a unique package that combines exploration, history, and spiritual growth in the breathtaking setting of the Valley of the Incas.

Throughout your stay, you'll have the opportunity to participate in transformative medicinal ceremonies led by local healers, including 3 Wachuma ceremonies in the Mountains, allowing you to connect with ancient traditions and unlock new insights into what and who you really are.

Immerse yourself in a transformative journey unlike any other with our 10 day retreat at our sanctuary in The Sacred Valley, Peru. Experience the profound richness of the Inca Valley as you delve into the history and culture of the Inca civilization.

Indulge in Daily Gourmet Vegetarian Meals prepared by Our Chef

In our lodge, you can delight in gourmet vegetarian meals crafted with care by our chef, Jolyn. Each day, savor the finest plant-based dishes made from locally sourced ingredients bursting with flavor and freshness. Jolyn creates each dish as a representation of traditional Peruvian cuisine with an artistic take.

Whether you're a devoted vegetarian or simply looking to explore the world of meat-free dining, our restaurant provides a delicious and nourishing dining experience that will leave you craving more. Join us and discover the artistry of vegetarian cuisine at its finest.

Your Haven of Peace in The Valley : A 10 Day Retreat at Our Home in Pisac*

*In July, our nest is moving to the wonderful Melissa Wasi, near Pisac. This location is even more idyllic as our current green haven in Calca, and is more submerged in the nature of the Valley. We are sharing some information here, and more photos will follow.

Enjoy the privacy and serenity of your own space while having access to all the amenities necessary to make your stay comfortable and enjoyable. Whether it's meditating in the hummingbird garden, stargazing from our hammocks, resting by the fire, or simply unwinding in the comfort of your room, our home offers everything you need for a peaceful and enriching retreat. The fun town of Pisac is also just a 15 minute walk away, which you are free to explore at anytime.

This new home is designed to provide a tranquil refuge where you can relax, rejuvenate, reconnect with yourself, and integrate your experience. With spacious, light-filled spaces, modern amenities, and a warm and welcoming atmosphere, you will instantly feel at home.

During your 10 day retreat in Pisac, you will spend 5 days in the Apus (Mountains) of the Sacred Valley. Here you will be partaking in Wachuma ceremonies, Despacho ceremonies honoring Pachamama (Mother Earth), sacred flower baths providing energetic healing, and more.

When not in the mountains, you will reside for 5 days in our serene El Nido Lodge, which will become your home away from home. You will have exclusive use of the entire retreat center, with a spacious, magical garden, that offers breathtaking views of the majestic Apu Linli, the sacred mountain that dominates the horizon. We will also be partaking in cacao ceremonies, card reading, sauna, rapé ceremony, and a day at the textile market in Pisac while staying at our lodge.

What to expect?

You can expect a life changing journey, discovering your deepest parts, and emerging on the other side fresh, full of life, and new, with the medicine of the Sacred Valley and the Apus ingrained in your spirit.

Cacao Ceremony

Card Reading

Personal Icaros and Quechan Healing

Hiking Sacred Apu Mountains

Fire Ceremony

Ancient Energetic Sites

3 Wachuma Ceremonies

Local Textile Markets

Somatic Breathwork

Despacho Ceremony

Rapé Ritual

Guided Meditations


Flower Bath


Cold Plunge

Chef Cuisine

Complimentary Tea

Airport transfer

Private Luxury Garden

Itinerary For Your Journey

10 days and 10 nights From 2500$/person  

•  Day 1

"Welcoming the Journey at El Nido Lodge"

Day one we will meet, gather, and connect at El Nido Lodge, Through introductions and a freshly prepared meal from our chef, we will forge connections around the fire, setting the stage for a week of exploration and growth together.

• Day 2

"A Day of Preparation and Connection"

For the second day of the retreat, we have planned a Somatic Breathwork session to clear our system of the energies carried from travel, followed by a meeting with Maestro Hernan. Then, together, we will connect for the first time with Wachuma by sharing a medicinal mate with San Pedro flowers. Another night at El Nido to gather strength before embarking on the 5 nights in the mountains.

• Day 3

"Our Inaugural Wachuma Ceremony"

On the third day, we partake in our first Wachuma ceremony along a mountain trail with ancient Incan ruins, initiating our connection with the medicine as we approach the Palcaq Punku retreat center. This pivotal moment marks the start of our spiritual journey amidst the tranquil embrace of nature.

• Day 4

"Exploring our innate connection with nature at Intiwatana Ruins"

With the fourth day, we will be connecting with Nature's Wisdom Amidst the mystical aura of the ancient Intiwatana Ruins, ruins of an ancient Incan town with a notable ritual stone that served as an astronomical clock for the Incan Civilization.

This journey will be accompanied by Maestro Hernan's wisdom and Icaros, and a possible Despacho Ceremony honoring Mother Earth.

• Day 5

"Second Wachuma Ceremony at Pumacocha Lake"

Day five we will journey to Pumacocha, a powerful, pristine lake surrounded by mountains filled with intense energy and beauty. This lake, accompanied by two other lakes which make up the trifecta of "Kinsacocha", sit at around 12,500 ft high, creating a container unblemished by the changing times of history.

Here we gather for our second Wachuma ceremony, while being embraced by the sacred energies that surround us. These divine energies of nature will be our allies in discovering a simple wisdom that will be ingrained in us forever.

• Day 6

"Integrating Our Second Wachuma Ceremony"

We take the sixth day to integrate our pilgrimage thus far. We will integrate through meditations, 1on1 integrations, and group discussions about our personal insights and experiences. Also, eating nourishing food and getting much needed time to rest!

• Day 7

"Final Wachuma Ceremony with Fire Ritual"

Day seven we will partake in our third and final Wachuma ceremony. This ceremony will feature a fire ritual, a profound way to conclude our retreat, offering deeper introspection into the newfound wisdom we possess, and sharing the space as a family sitting around the fire.

We gather with gratitude to integrate the teachings of the past days and celebrate our transformation.

• Day 8

"Integrate and relax at El Nido Lodge"

At the conclusion of the week of Wachuma, we return to El Nido for a couple days of integration, with this first day marked by hearty meals and peace in our garden sanctuary to assimilate all our emotions and thoughts.

In our lodge, we gather to share our experiences and reflections, strengthening the bonds forged during our spiritual journey. We will also have ample time to sit out in our lush garden, journaling, having sometime for ourselves.

• Day 9

"Sauna and Cacao"

On day 9, we will continue to enjoy the Andean traditions of the valley while integrating the medicines of our journey.

We will partake in a traditional Andean woodburning sauna, our sauna that we have onsite at our retreat center. Physical integration is an important part of the holistic integrative approach we believe in when integrating plant medicine, and in addition to the sauna, we will be offering house call Andean massage sessions for those that feel called.

We will end the day with a ceremonial cacao ceremony, allowing us to open our hearts and connect deeply with song, laughter, and live medicine music!

• Day 10

"Pisac Textile Market"

On day 10, we will have a fun, relaxed day on the town! We will walk to Pisac (15 minute walk from El Nido Lodge) and explore this unique town. In the town center of Pisac, there is a traditional textile market filled with handmade clothing all woven with the native alpaca wool. There are also handmade goods of all types, perfect to find that gem of a gift for yourself and loved ones. All items are directly bought from the artist themself, Quechan natives that journey from their mountain villages everyday to sell their goods in Pisac.

Pisac is also filled with shamanic shops selling rapé (hapé), mambe, drums, and all your shamanic needs.

• Breakfast and Farewell

The Journey Home

In the morning of day eleven, we will have our final breakfast and give our farewell hugs as we journey back to the city of Cusco to make our way home.

Happy tears, kisses, and smiles are all welcome!

Group of 4 people :  $580/person

Ceremony guided by Maestro Hernan, Guardian of the Sacred Medicine

About the Wachuma (san pedro) Ceremony

maestro hernan, native curandero for ceremony of wachuma in sacred valley of peru

Ceremony guided by Maestro Hernan, Guardian of the Sacred Medicine

At 52 years old, Hernan, a revered medicine man in his native Quechan community in the Sacred Valley, has dedicated over three and a half decades to the practice of working with Wachuma.

As one of the pioneering curanderos (healers) of the region, Hernan stands as a beacon of ancestral wisdom, having inherited the sacred traditions of the Q'qanas civilization, one of the ancient Peruvian cultures.

With a deep reverence for his heritage, Hernan embodies the essence of these ancient healers, seamlessly blending their time-honored techniques with his own intuition, compassion, and heart.. Through his unwavering dedication to the healing arts, Hernan serves as a bridge between the past and present, and between this world and the Spirit.

Let the Wachuma Cactus open up the wisdom of the Sun, the Earth, and You.

The Wachuma Ceremony, also known as San Pedro, utilizes the potent properties of the Wachuma cactus to induce a state of heightened consciousness. Participants often report profound spiritual insights, emotional healing, and a deep sense of connection with nature and the universe.

Expansive journey of the mind and spirit.

San Pedro Ceremonies are conducted in a natural setting, allowing the wisdom of nature to co create the journey of the ceremony. Our ceremonies are conducted in the beauty of the Andean mountain landscape. Under the guidance of a trained shaman or healer, participants are encouraged to set intentions for their journey and surrender to the wisdom of the plant.

The effects of San Pedro are characterized by a gentle and expansive journey of the mind and spirit. Participants often report heightened sensory perception, increased introspection, and a profound sense of interconnectedness with nature and the universe.

Mescaline, which is the main active ingredient in San Pedro, can increase feelings of empathy, connection to others, yourself, and nature, and can be a catalyst for states of profound joy and introspection, facilitating deep insights and emotional healing.

hiking wachuma ceremony in sacred valley of peru

As the effects of San Pedro unfold, participants may experience a sense of newfound clarity and perspective, allowing them to gain insight into their lives and overcome personal obstacles. Many describe the experience as profoundly transformative, leading to greater self-awareness, emotional healing, and spiritual growth.

Overall, the San Pedro cactus offers a profound opportunity for self-exploration and healing, allowing participants to connect with the deeper aspects of themselves and the world around them. Through its gentle yet powerful effects, San Pedro has the potential to facilitate profound shifts in consciousness and inspire personal transformation. It can also be tons of fun!

sacred ceremony of wachuma san pedro in peru

The Wachuma ceremony is partaken in nature, usually with a hike, like an easy hike in the Three Lakes region of Pisac. Surrounded by the natural splendor of the Andean mountains, participants embark on a gentle exploration through the tranquil wilderness, preparing to interact with the sacred plant. As they walk along the trails, participants are immersed in the sights, sounds, and sensations of the natural world, building a connection with the earth and its energies.

The serene and calm ambiance of the outdoor setting enriches the spiritual experience, allowing participants to harmonize with the rhythms of nature and prepare to receive the profound teachings and healing offered by Wachuma.

Guided by Hernan's drum, the Wachuma starts to take effect. Participants are encouraged to go with the flow of the natural world, and surrender to whatever feelings and thoughts surface during the journey. This allows the sacred cactus to guide them on the journey, taking the participant wherever they need to go, to see whatever they need to see.

Amidst the awe-inspiring beauty of the Andean landscape, the Wachuma ceremony continues with offerings of coca leaves and fruits to Pachamama. Soon after, we will start to slowly descend back down the valley, enjoying the picturesque mountain communities unblemished by time.

Package "Inca"

3 days and 3 nights • from $650/person

This package is designed for history and Inca civilization enthusiasts. Filled with Ancient Sacred Sites to recharge, renew, and upgrade your energy, immersing fully in the essence of The Valley.

Day 1

• 10:00am - Grand Welcoming

• 12:00am - Veggie Lunch
• 1:30pm - Sirenchayoq Waterfall

• 6:30pm - Dinner

Day 2

• 8:00am - Breakfast
• 10;30am - Pumahuanca Ruins

• 1:00pm - Lunch at Ruins
• 5:00pm - Freetime
• 6:30pm - Dinner
• 8:00pm - Fire ceremony

Day 3

• 6:30am - Breakfast
• 8:30am - Kinsacocha Lagoons

• 12:00pm - Lunch at Kinsacocha
• 3:00pm - Pisac Market
• 7:00pm - Dinner

Group of 4 people :  $580/person

Reserve Your 10 Days Retreat now !

Reserve Your Place Today ! Fill out the form below to book your 10-day Wachuma Retreat at El Nido. After you complete the form, we'll email you all the necessary details.

Important Points About Booking

• To reserve your retreat at El Nido, we require a 50% deposit two months prior to the desired date.

• The programme fee does not include flights or other transport to foreign countries

• The retreat is 100% refundable for a cancellation 60+ days before the retreat start date, minus $200 consultation & admin fee.

• The event is 50% refundable if cancelled 30-59 days before the start date.

• The retreat is non-refundable if cancelled 0-29 days before the retreat start date.

A magical place between silence and hummingbirds, facing the ruins of Pisac and just 10 minutes from the center.

Lima : 24h - 30h

Arequipa : 9 h

Cusco : 1h h

f you are the road trip type of person, you will surely love arriving at our boutique hotel by car or collectivo. Good roads connect Lima to the rest of the Sacred Valley, but be ready to spend 24 hours on the bus. Then, from Cusco, it takes only 1 hour to reach Pisac.

Cusco Airport CUZ - 53.3km away

Juliaca (JUL) - 364km away

Arequipa (AQP) - 521km away

The nearest airport to Pisac is Cusco (CUZ). We can operate a bus from Cusco International Airport to El Nido hostel.

Tickets cost 12 USD.